WordFest Live 2021 – our brief review


WordFest 2021 is over. It was a really outstanding event and a big boost energy for WordPress community all over the world. Now it’s time to sum it up.

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What is WordFest?

If you missed all the information about WordFest, let me wrap it up quickly for you. WordFest was a 24h virtual conference about WordPress, and it was organized by great people from Big Orange Heart.Everyone had a chance to see up to 48 sessions, presented by people from all over the world.

What could be improved?

Let me explain why I’m starting with the bad stuff — overall, the conference was so well organized that repeating this statement all the time would be boring. So I decided to start with listing the thing that can be improved.

  • At the beginning of the event there were some problems with logging in. 
  • There were 2 or 3 presentation that were technically poor. They had great content, but quality was just poor. This of course isn’t organizers’ fault, because this is the effect of blind selection. I can only hope that next year speakers will pay more attention to the quality of their videos.
  • Personally, as a developer, I missed more presentations for developers. If I’m right, there were only 2 or 3 of them. I wouldn’t mind seeing more of them or even a whole stage for developers.

What went great?

Everything else. Just like that. The organization was great, the topics were very interesting, and the volunteers did a magnificent job during Q&A sessions.Hats off towards the whole team. Keep up the outstanding works. I really can’t wait for WordFest Live 2022

My Favorite sessions

All together I watched about 30 sessions (you can watch them too on this page). I learned really a lot from those. Here are my 5 favorite ones:

Miriam Schwab – Embracing the Shift from Office to WFH at Strattic

I love Miriam’s energy in her speeches. Also, I’m always very interested to learn how companies survived the pandemic. 

Joe A. Simpson, Jr. – Case Study: Make WordPress Accessible for Everyone

Not only it was wonderful technically (Joe is an amazing speaker) it was about a very important topic.

Birgit Pauli-Haack – Case Study: A #Nocode Contributor Journey on the WordPress Gutenberg GitHub Repo

A very important session showing that you don’t have to be a developer to be an important contributor.

Matt Medeiros – Unleash Your Business Building Superpower

This was my favorite in terms of storytelling. Apart from this, I love the topic. It’s really important to find what is your superpower and use it to build your business.

Marieke van de Rakt – Content SEO

I’m not a SEO expert, but I really like to listen about it. And Marieke told many interesting things about creating content.

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Let’s wrap it up

I know how difficult organizing an event is and I must admit I was really impressed how smooth everything went. So let just once again congratulate the whole team.

And what was your impression of WordFest? Share your thought over our social media channels.

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